Friday, June 26, 2009

Alright, folks! A new school year is beginning and that means homework! Okay kids, stop cheering.... I said stop cheering.... How can I assign homework when you won't stop cheering?

Anyways, your blogs will give you an avenue to share your thoughts on course material with your classmates. You will also be using your blog to give weekly reports on your silent reading by answering questions supplied by the teacher and also expressing your own opinion on what you are reading.

The first task is to create your own reading profile to introduce yourself to your classmates. Instructions for the reading profile are on the website under Blog Assignment 1 - Reading Profile in the Table of Contents. Once the profiles are created, you need to post comments on at least three other students' sites. Try to expand who you know in the class, though! Meet new people and learn a little bit about them! Who knows? The person you get to know could be a group member one day....